This weekend we had a tiny peep show of my favorite season... summah! It hit a high of 70! Holy hot martha focker you can bet your sweet ass I was out in my bikini. No shame!
A couple hours later my father in law called and wanted to stop by. I told K to give him fair warning of the bikini situation, but that didn't sway him. Whatever, enter at your own risk!
Anyways, it was freaking fantastic. It's been in the 40's and raining since. Zzzzz...
In other news, we had an appointment with Dr. Piece of Cake yesterday. Everything really is a POC for her. She called me a flaming drag queen because I haven't stopped taking the vagi vitamins yet.
Oops, my bad.
Apparently, "most" patients stop them at 12 weeks.
Obviously I am "most" patients.
I asked her what the odds were that there could be a problem with the placenta not producing progesterone. She said 0%. As in, none.
So last night I did not take one, and I prayed to the gods of Ali Babba all night that my busy little bug wouldn't die.
Our next appointment we'll get to find out the gender, April 20th.
Is it April 20th yet?
And now for the promised bump pic, 15 weeks, sans bikini. I may have been willing to torture my father in law with my cellulite covered self, but I will NOT do that to you my friends.
Repeat: Living in a World of Last Times
17 hours ago