Friends, I am not going to dance around the uncomfortable nature of the question I need to ask. It’s not my style, plus, I think we’re beyond the sugar-coating.
I have a Day 3 vagi-ultrasound tomorrow. transvaginal, if you want to be grown up about it, which I don’t. Basically because I think “vagi” before anything makes it most hilarious. i.e. vagi-vitamin (aka progesterone), vagi-wipey (aka personal cleanliness products), you get the idea.
I am not a stranger to the vagi-ultrasound. On a scale of 1-10, vagi-modesty is easily at a 1. After so many miles on the IF highway, vagi-caution is thrown to the wind.
I have more concern over the Day 3 aspect of the appointment. You see, I’m worried that Day 3 will be the most ickticious day of my days.
The only time I have been… ahem… examined during this time was when I found out about the EP. They gave me vagi-wipey’s (see above) but it was a hot mess. I know these people are professionals and they deal with it all the time. Right? I mean, don’t they?
Internet bff’s, please tell me you’ve been there/done that and it’s not half as bad as I’m making it out to be. Please!!!
Repeat: Living in a World of Last Times
19 hours ago
I'm pretty fortunate that my AF isn't terribly heavy, but when I did my Day 3 coochi cams, the techs (which were normally women) just did their thing without a second thought. They are used to it.
We, on the other hand, are mortified by anyone seeing that area during AF. I don't think it's unusual for us to NOT want to issue red wings to anyone, not even our DHs.
My suggestion, if you use tampons, is don't remove it until the very last moment. Hopefully, that'll help it not be quite so icky.
Yea, as mortifying as it is to us, they dont even bat an eyelash. No worries, love. Its done and over with pretty quickly.
oh and I like Dildocam.
Hey Babe,
Yes BTDT during prev m/c etc-I agree it is not that bad, I know you'll feel uncomfortable but try not to think about it and just look at the screen! Unfortunately dignity goes right out the window once you join the land of IF.
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