Things I google at work for which one day I will be fired:
Difference between progesterone cream, patches and suppositories
-because contrary to popular opinion, no I do not love shoving pea sized vagi-vitamins into my lady business, all the while trying not to poke myself in the ass with my other fingers. Tasty image, right?
Can progesterone suppositories cause constipation?
-because there’s nothing better than being bound up while on vagi-vitamins. Come to think if it… if I did “accidentally” poke myself in the ass it might get things moving in the bum department. Although, I am absolutely unwilling to experiment with this method.
Are stool softeners safe to take during pregnancy?
-because I am one of those dumb hopefuls that thinks she might… just might… be preggo every single 2WW. Although, I never am.
This brings to mind the definition of insanity. Repeating the same action and expecting a different result. This makes me, by definition, insane. As if I didn’t know this before, but I need Webster to point it out to me before I can commit to swallowing it whole.
We try month after month after month… expecting a different result.
We experience heartbreak month after month after month… expecting a different result.
We spend hundreds in treatments month after month after month… expecting a different result.
We have ultrasounds, injections and blood tests month after month after month… expecting a different result.
We search online for baby furniture month after month after month… expecting a different result.
We are disappointed month after month after month… expecting a different result.
Are we really crazy? Are we gluttons for hurt and disappointment? Why do we expect a different result when the past has been so reliable?
Repeat: Living in a World of Last Times
20 hours ago
ive stared at your post
waiting for some insightful comment to come to me
...but i have nothing
i could say, i understand
i could say, ive been there too
i could say, youre not crazy
but really - they're all just words
and to be honest ~ the point is... the whole situation just plain sucks
i truly hope that this random and cruel baby-allocation lottery pulls your name soon
or perhaps the rules could change
and have babies delivered to the most-deserving, most-devoted parents instead
The truth is that we're all of the above.
But we're also hopeful and persistent, and we do it all out of love for the children who are waiting for us. And THAT makes everything else okay. (((hugs)))
Aw, I heart you guys! :o)
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